Saturday, 13 October 2007

you know this boogie is for real

So the first 2 days of the week were a right-off. Had a bloomin assignment to do didn't I! But having handed that in on Wednesday and having watched Swingers on the weekend, a few of us took some inspiration to go take swing dance lessons. It's a bit harder than Jon Favreau (btw, where did he go?? biggest thing he did since was Deep Impact?!) makes it look but think we'll persist. Thursday was a typical pub acoustic gig then last night another massive Ceilidh (read the first post if you've forgotten already what this is). Fair bit more technical this time round with all sorts of moments requiring you to spin the ladies around, feet off the ground, trying not to clash like two ceilidh helicopters. These are monthly and it seems like we've got a big group of us keen for more.

This morning something more manly with a 2-1 win in the soccer. These guys had proper matching kit and all so we must be good. Plus a chance to practice my scottish. The ump asked me, "Can yeh geh n teel Chris Thomas, yeh ken Chris Thomas? so geh n teel Chris tha Tommy hanna turnd [insert lots of scottish]... Arthur's feet" This i dutifully relayed, "the ump says something about arthur's feet??". This was sufficient for Chris and everything was fine, but it made me realise i need to spend more time in suburban pubs at the bottom of a pint glass, listening to locals and refining my accent.